Lingerie Shopping? Simple Tips for You to Try

Simple Lingerie Shopping Tips

Are you like me? Someone who feels lost when it comes to lingerie shopping? If so, I have compiled some tips I really found useful when I first started looking for those sexy, smooth, fun pieces of clothing. Over time, I have realized that the confidence I gain from sex toys and the confidence I get from my lingerie are very different. They each enhance the other. Lingerie, on the other hand, makes me feel confident and indulgent in my body not only in the bedroom but also outside of it. So, this series is going to be about what one should know when it comes to lingerie shopping.

Lingerie and Undergarments

The first thing to know is how undergarments and lingerie are different. For starters, all lingerie wear is undergarments, but not all undergarments are lingerie. Missed your logic class in school? Well, here it is.

Lingerie is supposed to make you feel attractive, sensuous, and sexy. It is something you do for yourself and not just your partner. Women often avoid buying it because they think it’s costly. However, given that they are made of luxurious fabrics such as silk, chiffon, lycra, and lace, and that the designs are intricate and seductive, I believe that the prices are completely justified.

If you ask me personally, playing with sex toys in undergarments is fun, but playing with them in lingerie is better on any given day.

So, go on, lady, splurge. Know your size, know your style, then log on to our site and shop your heart out. You know you’re worth it!

For Newbies

If you’re a lingerie newbie, like I once was, go to a physical store once, or buy from an online store where they have dedicated customer support. That way, you will know the right sizes and will be able to choose from a wide and exciting range of lingerie.

Also, keep both lingerie and undergarment sets in your wardrobe initially. That way, you will be able to comfortably switch from one to the other.


Bras and lingerie don’t essentially have to be the same size. So, it’s OK to try things that may seem within your size range. The basis of wearing lingerie is to feel comfortable, so it’s OK to not find the right fit in the initial few attempts.

What to try

As a general rule, you can do whatever you want. It’s great to try anything that your body feels good in. This is about you first. So, even if it seems like something may be over the top, it’s absolutely great! In fact, the more adventurous and the more comfortable, the better it is.

Pick fabrics that you are comfortable with. Usually, fabrics that are smooth, silky, and sit well on your skin are the best. Don’t cut corners in this case. Rather than buying two sets of lingerie on sale, pick one that is great!

Here's a great range of lingerie for you to pick from. 

Maintaining Lingerie

No, please! They do not go with your laundry in the machine! They instead need to be gently handwashed. Lingerie can lose shape and look worn out if not handwashed with a mild detergent.


Each body is unique, and every woman is beautiful. It deserves the pampering, attention, indulgence, and confidence you can afford it. So, being aware of your body type, your lingerie options, and feeling comfortable, sensuous, and at ease in your skin is the most important.

Now, go check out the lingerie section and have fun shopping. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

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