Congratulations! You’re officially gonna try Anal Sex.
Thanks to Charlotte from Sex and the City, anal sex was quite the hush-hush because no one wanted to be known as “up-the-butt-girl”. But screw that, cause just like Samantha, we should say yes to trying something at least once (or several times). Though anal sex is a lot more mainstream in 2023 with people saying “I’ll try it once” prepping for it isn’t as common as it should be. Thus results in a lot of them having an average or painful time- both emotionally and physically.
Always Educate Yourself
Anal Play is super fun and exciting, especially if you put in the work. It’s important to do the research around it when it comes to the act and also the type of lube used. Anal sex might seem like a very new adventure for you, but trust me your curiosity is a great way to start exploring. Anal play can be about the penis going up the butt but it can also be about butt plugs, dildos, and more. But before all that, you must always consider lube. Water-based lubes are great for anal play especially when using silicone toys. Silicone-based lubes will damage silicone-based toys in the long run. And you must protect your toys, sometimes even before yourself. Kidding! (Not) Using lube when starting out butt play is super important, it’ll help with getting the body adjusted, especially if it’s your first time.

One Finger…or maybe two? (And toys)
Before getting straight into penis or toy penetration, start with a finger. Penetration is something you’ve got to work towards, if it’s the first step it will get pretty messy. You want to be surprised by the feeling but not taken by surprise with disappointment. You and your partner will need to understand the anal opening and get comfortable with different sensations.
Once you’re comfortable, try to use some toys. In today’s day and age, there’s a BUNCH of Sex Toys in Delhi for the butt. You don’t have to be bored with just one or two. You’ve got them in many colors, shapes, patterns and sizes. Anal beads, butt plugs and an anal vibrator are some exciting toys to experiment with especially if it’s your first time around.
Combine all your learning of anal play with these toys and see where it all goes. Once the body is comfortable with the fingers and toys, the body can prepare itself for a penis but if you aren’t someone who uses a penis during sex, dildos are a great way to try the final step out too. -
Communication is Key
We should have probably started with this step, but it’s super important to establish consent when doing anything new. If you’re partnered during your anal play moments, discuss what works and doesn’t work with each other. The joy of trying new things is so underrated and butt play is definitely one of those underrated joys. Things can get uncomfortable if not done right, and if you’re on the receiving end always communicate what you’re feeling. Stop if you feel any sort of discomfort too. When it comes to butt stuff, it’s not a first time is the best time kinda situation. What are we? Tryna taste chocolate? Open up to some trial and errors and spread those butt cheeks with an open mind. Consent must be asked and it can always be withdrawn. If anal play isn’t working out for you at the moment, you can stop it and try again later (or never). Don’t push through the pain. Rather, try various oral play and toys to make anal play easier and more interesting.

Things to get over:
Anal play has a certain reputation.
Firstly, it’s great for doggy and secondly, you’ll poop. Now, both can sometimes be true but not always. If you’re a first-timer in the world of anal, avoid doggy. It may not be very comfortable and will also lack a certain connection between you and your partner. A standard missionary until you’re comfortable to experiment with other positions always works like a charm. If you’re the penetrator, get on top of your partner while they raise their hip and legs. This will give you access to their anus and you, my friend can penetrate it easily while making eye contact. So hot!
Secondly, you need to get over the whole poop thing. It could happen but it also can not happen. If you’re gonna do butt stuff, be prepared for butt stuff.
Consider douching prior to participating in anal play. This helps with overthinking. Oh, and avoid spicy food.
Thirdly, USE A CONDOOOOM (if you say this with an English accent, you’re much more likely to remember it) Anal Sex can actually cause UTIs if you’re not careful. Bacteria from the butt should not enter the vagina, it’s nasty and chaotic. While anal playing, use a condom but if you decide to switch and enter the vagina, change your condom. If you and your partner are penis owners, you should still wear a condom. This goes for Sex Toys in Bangalore too, do not use the same toys at the same time for different parts of your body. Breaking News! We have a lot of booty toys.

Now that you’re a pro at butt stuff, be a pro at the after-butt stuff. If you’ve performed/gone through anal for the first time, participate in aftercare. Talk about what you liked and didn’t like and maybe even things you’d like to try in the future. Regardless of your gender, anyone with a butt can enjoy anal sex but only if discussed together. It can be a pretty beautiful and fun experience if you let it.
Anal play is an exciting time for couples and sex friends. It helps build connection and stronger intimacy and it’s also a great way to get talking about sexual experiences and sexual adventures. Butt play opens doors for people to try something new and exciting. So babe, spread those wings and get cheeky!